The Earth Sea Love Podcast
The Earth Sea Love Podcast is a podcast for and about women, feminine and non-binary people who are Black, Indigenous or a Person of Colour and their relationship with nature hosted by Sheree Mack. The Earth Sea Love Podcast is committed to exploring the experiences of women of colour with Mother Nature. We want to provide spaces where the hidden voices in the environmental/ conservation conversations can explore their relationship with the natural world.Inspired by time spent outdoors, we amplify the voices of women, feminine and non-binary people who are Black, Indigenous or a Person of Colour; our stories, conversations, interviews, photography, writing and artwork.We’ll be exploring our legacies, histories and memories which have had an influence and effect upon how we perceive ourselves within the natural world and environmental/ climate justice movements.

Friday Nov 19, 2021
Friday Nov 19, 2021
Welcome back to another wonderful episode from The Earth Sea Love Podcast. With Dalbinder Kular, an imagineer and ancestral transcriber, this is another specially commissioned episode in collaboration with Northumberland National Park's Future Landscapes Festival. In this episode we‘ll be talking about how Dal is decolonising writing for healing. How Dal has created spaces where transformation is possible through language and creativity. Through exploring identity, race, memories, trauma and nature, with creative and life-based writing arts ~ poetry therapy, journaling, writing, zine-making, Dal is a powerful and creative. force in supporting herself and other women of colour to use their voice to take up space here, there and everywhere.Speaking with our podcast host, Sheree Mack, Dal talks about:Holding space for othersLiving in SheffieldOur True Nature and Field Notes Wild Ink, the MSc. DissertationWho Dal be? What Dal does?Grief after the loss of a motherZine makingCreative identity and wildnessChanging Forms of writing inspired by Glue by Louise WallweinThe creative processTelling multilayered, complex storiesThe Partition of 1947 creating India and PakistanIn residence on Bardsey, the island of 20000 soulsMap making to locate the SelfCOP26 CoalitionSpeaking up for NatureChildhood and NatureThe forthcoming Intrinsic anthology of writing Bio: Dalbinder KularWriter & Facilitator | Creative Writing for Healing.Dal is a writer, educator and mentor specialising in creative and life-based writing arts and on a mission to ignite imaginations and decolonise the writing-for-healing arts. From leaving school at 16 years old with 3 O-levels, to severe burnout, grief and loss Dal has used the power of words to write herself back home and transform her life.She loves to share everything she has learned with others.Dal is British Punjabi/Sikh heritage, born and based in Sheffield, UK – on the edge of the glorious Peak District where she’s often found walking, having a cuppa and writing in her tiny camper, Muddy. Website : Dal Kular - where you can sign up for the really useful ‘Field Notes’ community newsletter.Instagram: dalkularTwitter: dalkular1 See for privacy and opt-out information.

Friday Nov 12, 2021
Friday Nov 12, 2021
Today we're really excited to bring you an episode with Claire Ratinon, commissioned in conjunction with Northumberland National Park Authority's Future Landscapes Festival. Your host, Dr. Sheree Mack, really enjoyed finally getting to talk with Claire after following her work around organic gardening and decolonising horticulture for a while now.In this episode, they talk about:Situating ourselves in the countryChickens and ruffled feathers!Change of career directionGetting closer to natureBlack and brown people growing food and plantsFinding our way back to the earthDecolonizing horticultureThinking about the term 'decolonisation' and it's usesColonisation is still happening The history of plants have to be addressedWorking with institutions to being about changePowerChildhood and upbringing The food system is broken but can be fixedThe writing processExclusive information about Claire's future endeavours!Writing our stories is necessaryChecking our privileges Bio: Claire Ratinon is an organic food grower and writer based in East Sussex. She has worked in a range of roles from growing produce for the Ottolenghi restaurant, Rovi to delivering growing workshops and talks to audiences including East London primary schools, community centres and educational institutions - both in person and online. Claire is passionate about the act of growing plants - especially edible ones - and the potential for it to be nourishing, connecting and healing. Her work seeks to engage in dialogues that interrogate the colonial legacy that is embedded in the practices of horticulture and agriculture. The stories we’ve been told and language that is used around these practices influences who feels able to do the work of growing plants which is why reclaiming a relationship to land is a radical and revolutionary act for many people of colour. BioClaire Ratinon is an organic food grower and writer based in East Sussex. Claire has grown edible plants in a variety of roles from growing organic vegetables for the Ottolenghi restaurant, Rovi to delivering growing workshops throughout London to audiences including primary schools, community centres and corporate clients. She has been invited to share her growing journey and experiences in talks and workshops for organisations including The Garden Museum, the Royal College of Art and West Dean College as well as having presented features for Radio 4’s Gardeners’ Question Time. Her writing has been featured in The New Statesman, Bloom Magazine and Waitrose Magazine. She co-wrote a pamphlet entitled ‘Horticultural Appropriation’ for Rough Trade with artist, Sam Ayre and her first book, ‘How To Grow Your Dinner Without Leaving The House’ is out now. Website: See for privacy and opt-out information.

Friday Nov 05, 2021
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Welcome back to another episode of The Earth Sea Love Podcast.During Season 3, we are producing a number of mini series focusing on specific issues.In this episode with the lovely Kwesia Smith-Gul, known usually as City Girl in Nature, and your host Sheree Mack will be talking about: Catching up and checking inName change for the futureThe recent trip to KenyaThe return and a changed outlook on natureSwimcaps for Black peopleGoing back to our roots, AfricaJust picking one thing to focus on in this climate crisisThe Quest of City Girl in NatureThe Outdoor Online Series of FilmsHelping people through being an example to followVolunteering to up skillBlack Girls Hike UKCOP26 happenings. Bio:Kwesia XKwesia grew up in Deptford, an inner city area of South-East London. Along with many of herfriends, neighbours and peers, who all experienced a great deal of the challenges that comewith living in an area, and with people, who have often been neglected, excluded andmarginalised.She struggled a great deal with making sense of senseless violence and trauma, she hadfaced, she found herself homeless, moving from sofa to sofa, and struggling with her mentalhealth and well-being. Her life was chaotic, often harsh, without meaning or any sense ofdirection or purpose.At her lowest, she received what could be regarded as a gift and a blessing. An opportunityto be part of a British Exploring Society’s expedition to the Peruvian Amazon Rainforest. Shespent 3 weeks in a remote part of the jungle, with no phone or contact with the outsideworld, & with a group of people that she barely knew.This, in many ways, was a life-changing experience for her. She experienced the beauty ofnature, where there was no judgement, just life teaming with energy and opportunity. Andbonds of friendship and loyalty with strangers who had to discover ways to live and worktogether in order to be successful. On her return she started to think about connecting withother people, particularly with young people like herself, some of whom have never had theopportunity to experience anything other than poverty and hardship. She wanted to exploreif a connection with nature, could touch them in a similar way that it had with herself.This led to the start of City Girl in Nature, as a way to give back to her community. To shareher love and passion for the outdoors, and belief that everybody should have the chance tobe healed, to be nourished, and to life with abundance.Please do join her on my journey and keep up-to date with progress.Twitter: City Girl in NatureIG: City Girl in NatureNew Outdoors Online Series See for privacy and opt-out information.

Monday Nov 01, 2021
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Welcome back to The Earth Sea Love Podcast.We are excited to bring you another mini series of specially commissioned episodes which explore climate justice and decolonisation of the environmental and conservation movement.Created and specially commissioned in collaboration with Northumberland National Park Authority's Future Landscapes Festival, which focuses on ‘Nature, People, Climate, Place’, explores how England’s precious landscapes serve people, nature, industry, and climate.It will include an exhibition, and a series of thought-provoking discussions and experiences designed to prompt people to think about the role landscape plays in their lives, and what they want the landscape in Northumberland National Park to look like in the future.With our podcast episodes, we aim to bring diverse and critical voices to the table of discussions an decision making.In this episode, hosted by Dr Sheree Mack in conversation with Shaira Begum, they discuss:Going at a slower paceJob hunting and finding the dream jobRest and recoveryLooking to serve the community on our doorstepsLocal renters' unionsCommunity work/ community organising Power dynamic/ distribution mappingReconnecting with the older generationSharing knowledge and powerSocial JusticeCOP26/ COP26 CoalitionTaking positive action for changeTelling the stories of Indigenous PeopleGlobal Day of Action, Saturday 6 November 2021Centring the voices of the Global SouthClimate ReframeCOP26 Reparations Share Begum Bio:Shaira is an environmental justice organizer, working on health and climate projects with over 10 years experience as an environmental educator, trainer and facilitator.Keen to live somewhere in the countryside one day with her own chickens, market garden , a fat poly tunnel and goats... Dreaming big!Shaira was born in Brick Lane and still lives there , grateful for her educators and elders around who have always shown her the benefits of growing her own produce from her own motherlands, the food that they grew up on. Shaira has a background in training and facilitation with community groups, runs food growing and nature connection workshops, naturally runs inclusive participatory ways of working within community care context and bringing lived experience to the forefront. Connect with Shairavia twitter - @Shairaecostuff See for privacy and opt-out information.

Monday Oct 04, 2021
Monday Oct 04, 2021
This is the third and final episode of three where your host Dr. Sheree Mack is in conversation with Velda Thomas about her recent publication Blended - Perspectives on Belonging: A Participatory Notebook. In these special commissioned episodes Sheree and Velda talk books, writing and the creative process, while Velda reads extracts from Blended which they go on to explore with close readings for meaning and healing.In this episode while exploring the piece called 'Mammy part 3 and 4' they talk about:Manny Part 3 and 4Writing the difficult partsWhere is Mammy in Velda today?Ellibert - connection to Great GrandmotherContrast between wild and domesticated selvesHealing through natureEarthbound - a comfort and connectedness with the EarthCommunion with EarthGender fluidity -The Mammy within everybodyFreedom is possibleWe’re all connected to each other as humansWitness hatred- Unseen woundsHealing too here belongsWe need to do the work with self-loveBlack culture flourishedCelebrationRitual as a concept and a practiceBio: Velda Thomas Born and educated in England, UK with biracial family ancestry sourced from Africa, the Caribbean and the America's. Healing modalities have always been of interest. Love of plants, herbal remedies, somatic and ritual experiences weave passion with grounded human experience for creativity and freedom of expression.Velda has worked as a kindergarten teacher, adult educator and birth doula. Currently a practicing massage therapist, sound practitioner and soul writer.Velda is a horsewoman, nature lover, mover of the body and world traveler. Currently living in Port Townsend on the Olympic Peninsula, USA. A note from Velda.I feel that I am truly an incredibly blessed person to have been born at a time where it is possible for me to uncover more of who I truly am and manifest it as I feel it coming through me.I am birthing myself again and again, then putting parts to rest, peeling the fine layers away, letting go again and again. I continue to find more stillness, strength and clarity as I continue to walk my soul’s path and purpose.I am blessed with courage and the consciousness to face myself. If I am fortunate, I am left with something to share be it art, sound, support, presence, performance or simply the primal essence of my own human nature.I am honored to share what is here, right now, with you in this moment. Patreon FB Velda ThomasIG Blended - Perspectives on Belonging: A Participatory Notebook. See for privacy and opt-out information.

Monday Sep 27, 2021
Monday Sep 27, 2021
This is the second of three episodes where your host Dr. Sheree Mack is in conversation with Velda Thomas about her recent publication Blended - Perspectives on Belonging: A Participatory Notebook. In these special commissioned episodes Sheree and Velda talk books, writing and the creative process, while Velda reads extracts from Blended which they go on to explore with close readings for meaning and healing.In this episode while exploring the piece called 'Mammy 1 and 2' they talk about:A reading of Mammy Part 1 and Part 2The stereotypical exploration of the term MammyHow naming is powerThe Body and Unresolved TraumaHow we stuff our emotions downEnslavement and traumaThe Process of WritingMultifaceted lives of the enslavedThe Master and the Mistress of the PlantationHow do we become more human?Reflective questions of the textBlack Writing JoyOur Healing Journey Bio: Velda Thomas Born and educated in England, UK with biracial family ancestry sourced from Africa, the Caribbean and the America's. Healing modalities have always been of interest. Love of plants, herbal remedies, somatic and ritual experiences weave passion with grounded human experience for creativity and freedom of expression.Velda has worked as a kindergarten teacher, adult educator and birth doula. Currently a practicing massage therapist, sound practitioner and soul writer.Velda is a horsewoman, nature lover, mover of the body and world traveler. Currently living in Port Townsend on the Olympic Peninsula, USA. A note from Velda.I feel that I am truly an incredibly blessed person to have been born at a time where it is possible for me to uncover more of who I truly am and manifest it as I feel it coming through me.I am birthing myself again and again, then putting parts to rest, peeling the fine layers away, letting go again and again. I continue to find more stillness, strength and clarity as I continue to walk my soul’s path and purpose.I am blessed with courage and the consciousness to face myself. If I am fortunate, I am left with something to share be it art, sound, support, presence, performance or simply the primal essence of my own human nature.I am honored to share what is here, right now, with you in this moment. Patreon FB Velda ThomasIG Blended - Perspectives on Belonging: A Participatory Notebook. See for privacy and opt-out information.

Monday Sep 20, 2021
Monday Sep 20, 2021
This is the first of three episodes where your host Dr. Sheree Mack is in conversation with Velda Thomas about her recent publication Blended - Perspectives on Belonging: A Participatory Notebook. In these special commissioned episodes Sheree and Velda talk books, writing and the creative process, while Velda reads extracts from Blended which they go on to explore with close readings for meaning and healing.In this episode while exploring the piece called 'In Service' they talk about: The Launch of the pre-sales of the book BlendedThe sense of achievement Writing as a Black women and becoming visibleWriting = VulnerabilityFalling in love with the museAttention to detail in the writing and editing processThe Creative ProcessMixing genres for expressionWorking through trauma with writing for the SelfVelda reading the piece, 'In Service'Centre self and not the otherThe Nap Ministry Asking for help/ therapyNature as a healerEMDR Eye Movement Therapy Bio: Velda Thomas Born and educated in England, UK with biracial family ancestry sourced from Africa, the Caribbean and the America's. Healing modalities have always been of interest. Love of plants, herbal remedies, somatic and ritual experiences weave passion with grounded human experience for creativity and freedom of expression.Velda has worked as a kindergarten teacher, adult educator and birth doula. Currently a practicing massage therapist, sound practitioner and soul writer.Velda is a horsewoman, nature lover, mover of the body and world traveler. Currently living in Port Townsend on the Olympic Peninsula, USA. A note from Velda.I feel that I am truly an incredibly blessed person to have been born at a time where it is possible for me to uncover more of who I truly am and manifest it as I feel it coming through me.I am birthing myself again and again, then putting parts to rest, peeling the fine layers away, letting go again and again. I continue to find more stillness, strength and clarity as I continue to walk my soul’s path and purpose.I am blessed with courage and the consciousness to face myself. If I am fortunate, I am left with something to share be it art, sound, support, presence, performance or simply the primal essence of my own human nature.I am honored to share what is here, right now, with you in this moment. Patreon FB Velda ThomasIG Blended - Perspectives on Belonging: A Participatory Notebook. See for privacy and opt-out information.

Friday Sep 17, 2021
Friday Sep 17, 2021
Season 3, begins with a trailer, highlighting what's in store for the rest of 2021.Mini Creative Series with Velda Thomas where we discuss her forthcoming publication; Blended - Perspectives On Belonging- A Participatory NotebookMini Conservation Series with a selection of individuals who are working to change the face of the environmental movement in the U.K.Dr. Sheree Mack's Northumberland Coastal Path adventuresThe Earth Sea Love Zine See for privacy and opt-out information.

Friday Jul 30, 2021
Friday Jul 30, 2021
Dr Sheree Mack keeps her promise to deliver all of the recorded conversations so far for 2021 before the end of July, so she can go off for a well deserved rest. To see the season out she talks to Pammy Johal, an active outdoor practitioner about: Situating ourselves in the landscapeFamily history and the sense of homeHaving those important conversations outsideBody connectionAgeing gracefullyThe Fannichs ( Mountains) and Loch LuichateConnecting with the mountainsBackbone CICPeople of the Global Majority and terminologyGreat days out in the Highlands of ScotlandRelationship based connectionsBackbone SymposiumLess Conversations More ActionRepetitive Research Syndrome Bio: Pammy Johal, born in the 60’s in inner city Coventry to a Sikh immigrant family, at 16, a school trip introduced her to the mountains where she experienced the 'WOW' moment that changed her life. A force much bigger than her took her to explore wild landscapes of the world! Not something her parents or community were keen on. “It’s not what our girls do!.. what will everyone say??!!” Her drive was so strong she did it anyway at the risk of totally losing her world.She encountered many complex and painful challenges with people of all backgrounds including her own family/community. Through these emotional and physical challenges, she discovered her own core values. This was a journey of self-discovery, understanding and respecting differences and a passion for environmental protection.She has been an outdoor/environmental practioner since 1979 and in 1995 it struck her hard as she noticed the lack of Black, Asian & Minority Ethnic role models in the sector, at every level, from service users to Board level and felt very strongly this had to change.In 1995 she laid the foundation for what is now Backbone.Website: Backbone CICTwitter: Backbone CICInstagram: Backbone CICFacebook: Backbone CIC Information about the June Symposium, Changing Landscapes - Actioning Change, can be found here. See for privacy and opt-out information.

Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Grace Hull, from Green Soul Grace, is a wise and wonderful young woman who is working to bring an intersectional understanding to sustainability. Within this episode, with your host Sheree Mack, they discuss:Social Media pressure and hiatusImposter syndromeRe-engaging with blogging rather than social media postingWithin the process of movingComing out of lockdownThe beauty of SlowWhat is sustainability?What is holistic sustainability?Individual responsibility within climate crisisJoining the dots to lean into climate justiceJoy and pleasure and spreading them aroundThe narrative of struggle and painBeing a keynote speakerGreen Soul Grace Bio:Grace Hull is an environmental educator who created Green Soul Grace, a personal blog, shop and podcast to explore what conscious living really means, in the most holistic, inclusive and accessible way. She takes pleasure in encouraging and facilitating folks to begin or further their journey of holistic sustainability, and in celebrating how our cultural heritage shapes our sustainable practices.' Website: Instagram: See for privacy and opt-out information.